Monday, November 29, 2010

Felted bag

Hi y'all!  I hope everyone truly had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by the ones you love!  Mine was a little quiet - my first one without my girls.
Today was the first day back to work since the long weekend - gosh, don't you wish we had a 4-day weekend at least every month!  lol!  I sure do!
It was rather cold this a.m. 23 degrees!  BRRrrrrrr - (or at least to me it was cold - you have to remember, I'm a southern girl from Louisiana)!  I'm still awaiting our first snow fall - I can't wait!!
I'm almost finished working on a cross-stitched bookmark for my mother-in-law for Christmas (I try to make her a little something as well as all the kids going in together to get them Christmas together).  I'll post a picture when I get finished.  (Hopefully will be tonight!  I still have a few more I want to make and more Christmas cards to make)!
This is a picture though of my very first purse I knitted and felted last year about this time.  I loved the colors for fall and winter!  I'm wanting to get some brighter wools for another bag soon.  I really liked the way it turned out!
I'm trying trying trying to figure out how to put the blogs that I follow on here but as of this posting, still haven't figured it out!  If anyone can help me, please let me know what else I can try!  Thanks!
Have a great Monday evening.

 (Well shoot, I dont know how to flip it here.  Hope you don't get a cramp in your neck trying to see it!  lol!  As you can tell, I'm not very computer savvy.  Please bear with me)!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Oh my gosh!  I'm sooooo excited, I can hardly type!  I just received an email from Suzanne Dean about wanting to publish my onesie and matching card I made for a friend of mine back home in Louisiana in her and Marti's magazine - Through the Craftroom Door.  If you haven't checked it out, you should.  It's awesome!
I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!  I missed being with my family but only about a month before Ashley flies up!  I can't wait!!
Here's a card I finished up last night.  Let me know what you think!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Collage card

Hi y'all!  Hope you had a great Monday.  Gosh, can you believe Thanksgiving is only a few days away?!  I can't!
I had a doctor's appointment today and thankfully, I did NOT get lost this time!  A major accomplishment for me, that's for sure!  lol  My last appointment two weeks ago - oh my gosh, I was sooooooo lost!  The poor guy at the facility was so nice and helpful but still he couldn't get me there talking me through every turn...but the Lord sent me a Charleston police officer who pulled up exactly when I pulled onto the curb (yes, not off the road but onto a curb where it "y" 's on the street) and put my flashers on!  lol  He was so nice and helpful - and thankfully gave me a police escort to the place I was going!  Geez!  That was quite traumatic for me!

I'm posting the card I made for my daughter Ashley's birthday last month.  It's really the first collage card I have made that I was pleased with the results.  I thought it turned out really well.  Tell me what y'all think!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It's Friday!  Woo hoo!  I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!  Gosh, it will be here in a few days.  I've been in a funk of some sort - I think it's knowing this will be my very first Thanksgiving without the girls...and thank the Lord my sister Sandy is able to fly home from L.A.  She finished her last chemo about 5-6 weeks ago.  She had a checkup and thank you, Father, she was cancer free!  She was battling Stage 2 ovarian cancer.  She is a tower of grace and strength.  She'll be home for Thanksgiving with Mom and the girls and I wont be there.  It makes me sad that I won't be there but so very thankful she is able to be there. 
I did manage to finish up two cards last night - let me know what you think!
Oh, and I forgot to show y'all the one I had finished up before:

Oh, I need to go throw chips on the smoker - we're smoking a brisket for tomorrow!  Yum yum!
Have a good one!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm back

Well, I have decided to give this another go.  I thought by making regular posts, I can document (for myself, if for no one else) my new journey - moving half way across the country to a place where I don't really know anyone or know where anything is.  My husband and I moved to his home state and we recently purchased a new home that I absolutely love.  Since I'm now working remotely from home, it has been somewhat isolating - since I don't have the advantages of leaving home to travel - at least to a job every day - allowing me to get more acclimated to the area and, maybe more importantly, meet new people.
I'm trying to get my craft room organized and unpacked.  I can't wait until it is all laid out and there is a specific place for all my goodies!  There are still quite a few boxes upstairs in my room and even more disheartening - more boxes to be moved from the storage house.  It will get done - I'm just not as patient as I should be!
I will post some of my new creations as I have been trying to get back in the swing of things and creating as all my precious goodies had been boxed up for months and months!!
Well, that's it for tonight's post.