Monday, November 29, 2010

Felted bag

Hi y'all!  I hope everyone truly had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by the ones you love!  Mine was a little quiet - my first one without my girls.
Today was the first day back to work since the long weekend - gosh, don't you wish we had a 4-day weekend at least every month!  lol!  I sure do!
It was rather cold this a.m. 23 degrees!  BRRrrrrrr - (or at least to me it was cold - you have to remember, I'm a southern girl from Louisiana)!  I'm still awaiting our first snow fall - I can't wait!!
I'm almost finished working on a cross-stitched bookmark for my mother-in-law for Christmas (I try to make her a little something as well as all the kids going in together to get them Christmas together).  I'll post a picture when I get finished.  (Hopefully will be tonight!  I still have a few more I want to make and more Christmas cards to make)!
This is a picture though of my very first purse I knitted and felted last year about this time.  I loved the colors for fall and winter!  I'm wanting to get some brighter wools for another bag soon.  I really liked the way it turned out!
I'm trying trying trying to figure out how to put the blogs that I follow on here but as of this posting, still haven't figured it out!  If anyone can help me, please let me know what else I can try!  Thanks!
Have a great Monday evening.

 (Well shoot, I dont know how to flip it here.  Hope you don't get a cramp in your neck trying to see it!  lol!  As you can tell, I'm not very computer savvy.  Please bear with me)!


  1. That is very pretty. I am in the middle of making a felted advent calendar. I will have to put some pics of my progress on. How was your holiday? I spent most of my weekend shopping. yes i was one of those crazy people out in total chaos. haha

  2. Oh gosh, Amy! I know without a doubt I could never ever go out and shop after Thanksgiving! But, if you like it...! lol Definitely post pictures, I would LOVE to see them!
